CI workshop - Qualities of Touch

February 23-24 | 11:00 - 15:00

In this in-depth weekend workshop we will look at the way we use the surface of touch as a source of information and communication.

We will also dive deep into the skin, through the flesh and into the structure, using the surface to inform the organisation of the body. Thus establishing and creating a clear understanding of our mutual movement.

Both alone and with a partner, we will work on the intention (and inner-tension) of our moving bodies.

- How can I clearly communicate my wish through the touch?
- How can I listen through the skin?
- Where does my body end and where does my partner’s body begin?

This workshop is intended for people with experience in contact Improvisation.

Feb. 23-24
Fee: 75€
House VDH: Rue des Pierres 6, Brussels

Limited places avalible
(please include a short introduction with your experience while applying)