
Dance Improvisation & Performance workshop tour | Brussels | Amsterdam | Berlin

3 workshops in 3 cities
(you can join each one separately..)

This workshop is dedicated to the practice of real time performance and multi-disciplinary improvisation. Experienced dancers, musicians, actors and performance artists are all welcome to apply.

We believe in the importance of recognizing the habitual body-mind patterns and automatic reactions, and turning them into conscious, reshapeable states through direct observation, experimentation and on-stage practice. Setting a clear focus will allow us to say “Fuck’it” and gain the freedom of going further than we imagined, get lost and deal with what will arise next.

When we say ‘fuck it’, we make ourselves available to the present moment, and leave behind the preconceived plans that may interfere with the free expression of our hidden potential. Fuck’it is an affirmation, that takes us into the unknown. We see a great potential in stepping out of one’s own borders and becoming a vessel for the situation to play itself out, it involves trusting one’s decisions, saying ‘yes’, being total, and letting go of perfectionism.

By working with the idea of failure we set the goal of being unsuccessful, to miss the mark, go belly up, break down, be ruined, make a mess, go wrong, lose control, drop, crash, fluff, fail. We won’t apologise for our mistakes. We will systematically learn how to recognise them, and turn them into powerful allies. We believe that the ‘Fuck’it’ mindset is one of the performer’s best weapon to shift the energy and operate from one’s own intuitional epicentre

Fuck’ it is about finding the courage to go for it, being honest and exposed, It’s about listening and trusting oneself with presence and totality. We provide a safe space to explore our limits and integrate them in a focused performance practice.

The element of real time music & dance improvisation is at the centre of this work, inviting us to question the roles of sound in time, body in space and vice-versa.

** We took a firm political choice of making this workshop accessible to everyone, this is why we keep the price low as it is.

Saying F**k It is like massage for the mind - relaxing you, releasing tension, giving up on things that aren't working. Just starting to say F**k It can transform your life. Saying F**k It feels good - to stop struggling and finally do what you fancy; to ignore what everyone's telling you and go your own way.” ~ John C. Parkin

Brussels | April

Friday      7th | 12:00 - 18:00
Saturday  8th | 12:00 - 18:00
Sunday    9th | 12:00 - 18:00
                                     19:30 - workshop performance

@ Studio JOJI - Rue de la Glaciere 18 - 1060 - Brussels

Fee: 90€

Amsterdam | April

Friday      14th | 10:00 - 15:30
Saturday  15th | 10:00 - 16:00
Sunday    16th | 10:00 - 16:00
                                        17:30 - workshop performance

@ Studio Singel - Eerste Nassaustraat 7 - 1052 - Amsterdam

Fee: 90€

Berlin | April

Monday        24th | 10:30 - 15:00
Tuesday        25th | 10:30 - 15:00 
Wednesday   26th | 10:30 - 15:00
Thursday      27th | 10:30 - 15:00
                                             14:00 - workshop performance - Dock11

@ Dock11 - Kastanienallee 79 - 10435 - Berlin

Fee: 90€

Facilitated by: Ady Elzam & Alex Zampini 

Alex Zampini (ITA) is a Berlin-based artist, musician and film-maker. Alex's interest lies on improvisation, especially on the relationship between body, sound and image and as both filmmaker and musician he actively collaborates with dancers, performance artists and teachers from all around the world. 

Alex has been playing music since 2001, mastering the guitar and deepening the relationship with other instruments such as drums, violin and bass guitar. Contaminated by electronic music, ambient and post-rock, and deeply inspired by the musical traditions of India and Mali, he paints multi-instrumental improvised sound journeys which can’t be framed in a definition of genre.


For joining the one of the workshops please send an email with the following:

Full name:

Workshop city:

Short motivation:

Short CV:

To: office@adyelzam.com